In a world in which academia and media increasingly promote confusing and fallacious ideologies, it is crucial that parents be proactive and purposeful in guiding their children through the complexities of modern life.
It might sound open-minded for a parent to say they will avoid influencing their child regarding their worldview, faith, opinions on the issues of the day, and instead let their child choose their own way. But this is ultimately naive, for the culture is not so open minded and passive. The culture actively weaves a post-modern worldview, which gets more absurd and self-contradictory by the day, into narratives at every level of life—in television shows, movies, songs, advertisements, memes, public displays, politics, and classrooms.
This worldview is not only aggressively suggested, it is often demanded, in commands about how language loaded with its presuppositions must be adopted for people to keep their seats in class, their jobs, or their ability to operate in society.
And this intrusive push does not end at opinions. It presses on to the point of distorting the very identity of people, and especially the young.
Your child is not a formless shapeless void of identity to be determined by endlessly pondering the self, by willfully deciding whether he is male or female, by lamenting his status as either a guilty member of an oppressor race or an eternal victim of an oppressed race . . . and on and on in a narcissistic struggle session with the self.
No, your child is made in the image of the Creator of the universe. He is born with certain traits, among them being a male or female. He has certain talents and other challenges. He is a unique being of infinite value, loved by God so much that he sent his son, Jesus Christ, to die for his sins that he might have union with God.
Your child’s identity, then, is not to enter the impossible task of “creating” himself in the culture’s image, but it is to experience joy as a child of God.
So, it is paramount that you explain your values to your child. And not just one time. False messages bombard your child constantly. You must have an ongoing conversation with your child to expose the illusions of these false messages and ideas. You must reiterate what you believe and why you believe it. You must be open to their questions and eager to seek answers to those questions together with them.
Here are some concrete actions you can implement to start this process, followed by a resource that will be helpful for exploring some of these issues with your teenage or young adult child:
1. Guiding Decision-Making: As children encounter a myriad of choices and dilemmas, talk them through a proper decision-making process. Explore how biblical values provide clarity for the best way forward. How does their opinion or action reflect God’s truth, goodness, and beauty? Does the decision honor God and is it a blessing to others? Pray with them about big decisions and pray for wisdom. This foundation empowers them to make choices aligned with godly principles, fostering a sense of integrity and responsibility.
2. Building Resilience Against Peer Pressure: Adolescence often brings intense peer pressure and external influences. When parents share their values, they arm their children with the strength to resist negative influences. Understanding and embracing biblical values instills resilience, enabling children to make decisions that align with their beliefs rather than succumbing to societal pressures.
3. Fostering Open Communication: Sharing values creates an environment conducive to open communication. When parents clearly explain their beliefs, they invite their children to engage in thoughtful conversations about morality, ethics, and societal norms. This open dialogue fosters trust and establishes a foundation for discussing complex issues that may arise as children navigate the challenges of the world.
4. Preparing for a Diverse and Often Divisive World: Today’s world is characterized by diversity in thought, culture, and belief systems. And, sometimes these various customs and beliefs are used to cause division among people. Do not shy away from discussing other opinions and worldviews with your child. Compare and contrast them with your traditions and beliefs. Hold these views up, including your own, to the light of Scripture. Help your child learn to disagree with others, with boldness when necessary, while maintaining God’s love in his heart. As Peter writes, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect” (1 Peter 3:15).
5. Empowering Critical Thinking: Discussing values involves more than imparting opinions; it encourages critical thinking. Parents who engage their children in conversations about the reasons behind certain values and explore alternative perspectives contribute to the development of analytical skills. This empowers children to think independently, evaluate information, and understand the foundations of their beliefs.
6. Strengthening Identity and Sense of Belonging: Childhood and adolescence is a critical period of self-discovery. Clearly articulated family values provide children with a sense of identity and belonging. Understanding where they come from and what their family stands for contributes to a strong sense of self, which, in turn, aids in making choices that align with their values.
7. Creating a Supportive Environment: Sharing values creates a supportive environment for children to navigate the complexities of life. Knowing that they have a dependable set of principles to fall back on enhances their emotional well-being. This support becomes a foundation that children can rely on as they encounter challenges, fostering resilience and a positive mindset. Also, let them know they can disagree with you. Be willing to explore these disagreements with patience.
As children step into an increasingly complex world, the values instilled by parents become a source of strength, guiding them through the intricacies of life with integrity, courage, and a strong sense of self.
We hope this helps. Praying that your children will live long and prosper in the land!